Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Freedom from Caffiene

I didn't think I was consuming that much caffiene. (For the record - one cup of coffee in the mornings. One glass of diet soda at lunchtime. One or two mugs of strong black tea in the afternoon and/or evening.)

Maybe the amount is irrelevant; maybe I just have problems with it. But drinking just the one cup of black tea each morning yields some surprising results. First, I'm tired by 9:30 p.m. Second, I sleep extremely well. And third, I think my headaches are milder. I still get them, but nothing severe lately. Fourth, when I do get a headach, I'm not sleeping the day away trying to get rid of it. Finally, I'm getting up earlier and earlier and have much more time for my daily activities.

I'm in my last few days of treatment and feel great. No more sore throat and no stomach upset. I don't know if I will be taking Prilosec daily or just with Axert - need to call the doctor's office and ask.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Things I CAN eat....

The Internet is full of helpful tips about what I can't eat....but not so great about what I can eat. So here are some things I've figured out.

Mushrooms figure prominently in the approved recipes. So tonight was Beef Stroganoff (no garlic, no worcestershire sauce); later this week we'll have the chicken baked with mushrooms and cream of mushroom soup. Turkey sandwiches with Swiss cheese and just mayo for a condiment.

Tonight I'm also making some vanilla wafer banana pudding. I don't normally even eat dessert, but my appetite has returned and the dinner options are few.

This week I have frozen peaches for my smoothies. About a peach worth of frozen slices, a cup of lactaid milk, half a banana, and some sugar/cinnamon makes a lovely breakfast.

Still drinking just the one cup of tea each morning. At other times I have apple juice (with lots of ice so it gets watered down) or water.