Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Is it a cure or a cause?

So now the Wellbutrin, which is meant to stop the migraines, is giving me migraines.

I'm on week four of taking the standard release variety and week one of non-stop--but very mild--migraine pain.  It's possible that switching to the extended release variety will change my reaction to the medication, so I'm going to try that next.

Meanwhile, I'm going to take 10 mg of Nortriptyline each night to fight these headaches.

I did some checking around the web, and most of the people who say that Wellbutrin gave them migraines also say that the headaches ceased after two to three weeks.

I hope I have the same experience.

Because I'd really like for this medicine to be a cure, not a cause.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Wellbutrin Update

It's been a week, and I'm now officially off of Nortriptyline and taking only Wellbutrin for the migraines, the ADHD, and the SAD.

And I feel great.  I've kept a daily diary of, well, anything I notice, and it seems to me that I'm not suffering any strange side effects.

I have woken with headaches a couple of times, but I think they were both due to the fact that I'd gone to bed and woken up later than usual. 

I've also stuck with the swimming.  I got started at Intrawest in Palm Desert and have joined the YMCA to keep it up.  I like going on weekdays at three, because that's when they begin pumping in cold water in preparation for swim team practice.  I have the lap lanes to myself.  Today I completed 10 laps, a new personal best.

Tonight I'm trying something very interesting out:  I'm having a vodka tonic.  Dave and I cleaned out our sad little liquor cabinet and had to throw away bottles and bottles (smallish ones) of alcohol that had gone bad.  The Bailey's expired in 1995, and was so thick it couldn't be poured down the sink.  There were black things in the bottom of the gin.  It was yucky!  It will be interesting to find out if I can have a drink and not suffer a migraine.

Over the Fourth of July weekend, I had no trouble sticking to my diet, except for one meal.  Omi had made her potato salad so naturally I had to have some of that.  I also ate a piece of "nice cake." I think an occasional indulgence is perfectly acceptable.

My weight is pretty much unchanged.

Monday, July 1, 2013


I visited my PCP last week to talk about ending my prescription for Nortriptyline.

My concerns about the Nortrip (can I abbreviate it?) are that it seems to contribute to weight gain, the dry-mouth is annoying and causes dental issues, and I'd like to be able to try ADHD medicine.  I confessed that the weight-loss side effect of ADHD medicines really appeals to me.

I also explained to my doctor that I become a different person when I visit the desert.  I eat less, sleep better, have the desire to work out, and am generally more productive and busy.  Here in Seattle I sit in my recliner and get fat.

She recommended Wellbutrin.  Like Nortrip it is an anti-depressant that also helps alleviate migraines.  It's also effective for ADHD symptoms and for SAD.  So if it works, it's basically the magic pill I've been looking for.

But it was a scary start.  Side effects include thoughts of suicide or suicide, grouchiness, and, of all things, MIGRAINES.  But when it works, it's great.

So far, it seems to be working.  I've been aided by a week of warm, clear weather so there haven't been any issues with the barometer.  I'm sticking to my lo-carb diet so that there are no headaches due to sugar or wheat.