Friday, June 21, 2013

Audrey Swims

I returned home from that blissful week in Palm Desert determined to fight Seattle's climate.

In the desert I am the real me.  I rise early.  I keep the room clean.  I eat less.  I look forward to exercise.

I want to do all that here at home.

Yesterday, I drove down to the new YMCA in Newcastle and joined.  I challenged myself to swim four laps in the pool...and I did it.  I made a chart to track my weight and exercise so that I can set goals and brag about my improvements.

Wish me luck.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Desert

My husband and I are spending a blissful week in Palm Desert.

Twice now I've forgotten to take my meds at night.

Neither time did I get a headache.

I love it here.

Also:  I can drink gin or vodka (just one drink a night) and experience no headache symptoms.

Did I mention I love it here?