Sunday, August 4, 2013

Twenty Laps

The YMCA was closed for a week for cleaning and repairs and I missed my swims.  Today I got right back into the habit with twenty laps.  I don't want to brag or anything, but I can swim twenty laps in under an hour.  Whew!  So fast!!  Twenty laps, incidentally, is two-thousand meters.  I think.

Did I mention I swam twenty laps?

The XR version of Wellbutrin is continuing to give me very mild headaches.  These are the type that I can ignore as I go about my day, and they may well cease once I'm back on a strict regimen of waking at the same time each day.  I've read lots of feedback from other patients online, and many of them say the headaches do taper off, so I'm willing to continue with it.

I've eaten lots of carbs in the past few weeks, mainly in an attempt to curb the headaches.  It doesn't really help, so I'm going to stick more closely to the low-carb eating for the rest of the summer.