Sunday, July 22, 2012

After a week...

After one week of not eating carbs, I've gained a pound.

But that's not all bad.  I also started my period.

Here's what's good:  I haven't had a migraine during my period.  I felt minimal pain in the night once, got up and popped a couple of Excedrin, and went back to sleep.  That's it.

If eating no carbs means I can have headache-free periods, I'm all for it.

Another good thing:  typically, when I have my period, I'm tired and have awful cramps.  I'm not having any trouble with fatigue this time, and I've had really minor cramps.

Finally, one more good thing.  I've had more energy.  This could be a sort of psychosomatic thing, that I'm doing household chores to keep my mind off of food, or to prove to myself the diet is helping.  But I definitely feel like jumping out of the recliner more often.

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